All our films are aimed at achieving socially useful goals., contributing to the solution of social problems in society.
We live in a world of media consumption. Audiences have high expectations for movies, but at the same time have low tolerance. To date, the audience is not ready to watch films, arranged in an edifying way. Entertaining content and fast consumption of information, What is a moviegoer looking for today?. However, the education of a “thinking” society on superficial video material is impossible..
Filming a documentary allows filmmakers to create such a product, who can entertain, captivate the audience, and enlighten her at the same time. A good documentary makes the viewer think about global issues: "Who I am? Why do I live? What is the purpose of my existence?».
A documentary is able to deeply immerse the viewer into the life of a particular character., evoke strong emotions and even induce action. The viewer identifies with the character, shown on the screen, inspired by his actions, "charged" with the motivation to implement his own idea and realize his dream. One of the main advantages of documentaries is that, that it enables the director to show the audience real shots of real events. In documentary films, the characters live their normal lives., letting the movie camera watch them from the side. From many hours of filming, then turns into a short documentary film, a coherent plot is formed from disparate frames. The natural course of events is built into a script. And life sometimes gives us such stories, which is simply impossible to imagine.