Main prize at the festival in Sevastopol: Fine Line

film reel “Fine Line” received Grand Prize in the documentary feature film competition at the festival “Saint Vladimir – 2023” in the Sevastopol. ICF “Saint Vladimir” with 2015 years of its existence demonstrates domestic and foreign films with spiritual and moral content. Screenings of films in competition and out-of-competition programs in October 2023 years were held in the House of Fleet Officers, in cinemas “Ukraine”, “Moscow” and “Russia”. A total of about 8000 spectators.

Movie “Fine Line” was shown in a retro cinema “Ukraine”. And although the show time fell on lunch break, the most persistent and active viewers stayed to watch the film (For more information about the author’s impressions and the screening of the film, see the Zen channel)

After the screening of the film, viewers actively shared their impressions, commented on what they saw on the screen and asked questions to the author Anna Barsukova. In addition to the native Sevastopol residents, there were former residents of the Magadan region in the hall, who told Crimeans about, how life was organized in Kolyma in 70-80 years before the collapse of the USSR. As a result of the discussion, those present came to the conclusion that, that such socially significant films as “Fine Line” must be shown not only to management and a wide range of viewers, but also to the younger generation, with the aim of forming in young people a realistic idea of ​​what, how people live in different regions of our big country.

Recall, what a movie “Fine Line” was highly appreciated at many all-Russian and foreign film festivals. The film's participation in film competitions will continue until the end 2023 of the year, and after the festival tour, the filmmakers will be able to publish the full version of the film on the Internet with free access. The authors thank the audience and Zen channel subscribers for regular support and interest in the film!

